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The Resort, Mixed Use

Shoreditch is the epitome of the current market of novelty. Consumers are seeking novelty in every experience, even brands with reputation and timeless longevity have been curtailed into adapting.

Britain was once one of the countries at the forefront of nudism, but in turn, we became more prudish than ever.

The desire for this project is to create a Hotel and Spa environment with elements of both retro-futurism and nostalgia. This nudist spa is aimed at Londoners, those overwhelmed and looking for tranquil and thought disrupting experiences.

The tiered element of the design is reference to Retro European holiday resorts and the structures we see of naturally formed water pools. The endlessly descending interior scape creates a totally unique social dynamic whereby all guests will be descending to a central communal point. A play on anonymity and community mutually existing.


Conceptual Project

Nudist Hotel + Spa

Advertising Offices 

Rooftop Bar and Spa 

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